Umwelt fühlen: Wenn Filme und Bücher Emotionen wecken

Ob Literatur oder Film, Fiktion oder Sachbuch – Geschichten können uns in ihren Bann ziehen und ganz unterschiedliche Emotionen hervorrufen. Was mit uns passiert, wenn wir Texte rezipieren, in denen Umweltthemen wie Klimawandel und Naturkatastrophen eine zentrale Rolle spielen, weiß die Amerikanistin Alexa Weik von Mossner.

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Study abroad at King’s College

Take advantage of our new ERASMUS exchange with King’s College!

From summer term 2018, students at the Department of English can spend a semester abroad at the world-renowned School of Education, Communication & Society of King’s College London. Our partner offers a great range of courses that explore topics of current relevance for English studies and deepen your insights in particular areas of interest.

To find out more on our partner institution and its academic offerings go to:

Interested? – Apply at the International Office of AAU by October 15, 2017 for one of two places in summer term 2018: Erasmus

Experience (student) life in ‘The City’!


(Photo by Nick Wood for King’s College London)


Study in the Beating Heart of England – Erasmus Agreement with Birmingham City University Finalised!

Since June 2017, Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt and Birmingham City University (UK) now have a new Erasmus exchange agreement for students and staff. Go and experience Europe’s bustling and diverse youngest metropolis!

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New Book Publication by Alexa Weik von Mossner

Affective Ecologies: Empathy, Emotion, and Environmental Narrative

by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Alexa Weik von Mossner

How do we experience the virtual environments we encounter in literature and film on the sensory and emotional level? How do environmental narratives invite us to care for human and nonhuman others who are put at risk? And how do we feel about the speculative futures presented to us in ecotopian and ecodystopian texts? Alexa Weik von Mossner explores these central questions that are important to anyone with an interest in the emotional appeal and persuasive power of environmental narratives.

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