Studying coincidence in literature and films

A position as post-doctoral researcher at the Department of English and American Studies brought Matthias Klestil to Klagenfurt from Bayreuth. His research currently focuses on material from literature and films, which addresses versionality and coincidence. In our interview with Matthias Klestil, he tells us about the paths that led him to Klagenfurt, and he reveals what he finds fascinating about the USA.

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Guest Lecture by Prof. Dr. Wojciech Malecki “What Animal Stories Do to Your Mind: Narratives, Psychology, and Social Change”

The power of stories to raise our concern for animals has been postulated through­out history by countless scholars, activists, and writers, including such greats as Thomas Hardy, Leo Tolstoy and Alice Walker. This paper aims to investigate that power and explain the psychological and cultural mechanisms behind it. Read more

Can novels make us care about others? A study based on ethnic American literatures

When President Donald Trump addresses the nation, he often resorts to discriminatory stereotypes when referring to African American, Mexican American and Muslim American communities. The narrative that suggests that these groups represent a threat to the American nation is shaping a number of current debates, but there are also important counternarratives. Within the scope of a project funded by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF), scholars from the field of American Studies are investigating how ethnic American literary texts are inviting readers to imaginatively step into the shoes of a character who is different from themselves and to see the world through that character’s eyes.

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Guest lecture by Dr. Anouschka Foltz “Using prosody to predict upcoming referents: the role of recent exposure in the L1 and the L2”

Listeners make predictions about upcoming sentence material during language processing. Monolingual English and monolingual German listeners can use contrastive pitch accents to predict upcoming referents (e.g. Ito & Speer, 2008; Weber, Braun, & Crocker, 2006). For example, when hearing Click on the blue book. Click on the RED… (where CAPS indicate a contrastive pitch accent), adults predict that the noun book will be repeated. This leads to facilitative processing if book is actually repeated and to a prosodic garden-path effect if another noun follows red. In contrast, adults are reliably less likely to make the same prediction when hearing Click on the blue book. Click on the red… (without a L+H* accent), suggesting that the prediction is driven by the prosody.

In this talk, I will present results from an eyetracking study that extends these previous findings from monolinguals to German-English bilinguals and that explores the role of recent exposure for predictive processing. The results suggest that bilinguals use the same prosodic cue differently in their L1 and their L2. Specifically, the bilinguals in the study show the same patterns of results in their L1 than monolingual native speakers: they engage in predictive processing in their L1 and this predictive processing is modulated by whether or not the speaker has previously used the prosodic cues consistently. In contrast, bilinguals do not initially engage in predictive processing in the L2 and are less sensitive to whether or not the speaker uses the prosodic cues consistently. I argue that the results are most compatible with a resource-deficit account of second language processing.



Dr. Anouschka Foltz received a Magister Degree from the University of Mannheim in 2003. Her Magister thesis, supervised by Prof. Rosemarie Tracy, was an empirical study comparing native (American) and non-native (German) speakers’ argumentative discourse in English. In 2000/2001, she had the opportunity to study abroad at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and gain her first teaching experience at the Department of Germanic Languages and Literatures.

In 2010, Dr. Foltz received both an M.A. and a Ph.D. in Linguistics from The Ohio State University. Her Ph.D. dissertation, entitled “The Effect of Pitch Accents and Boundary Tones on the Interpretation of L+H* Accents”, was supervised by Prof. Shari Speer. During her time at The Ohio State University, she mostly worked on sentence processing and the production and comprehension of prosody in adults. She also taught numerous undergraduate classes. After completing her Ph.D., Dr. Foltz spent four years working as a postdoctoral researcher in the Collaborative Research Centre 673 “Alignment in Communication” at Bielefeld University. During this time, she worked with the principle investigators Prof. Prisca Stenneken, Prof. Philipp Cimiano, and PD Dr. Katharina Rohlfing. Most of this work focused on syntactic and lexical alignment phenomena in both children and adults. She has been the Lecturer in Psycholinguistics at Bangor University since 2014.


Date and place:

June 27, 2018

S.1.05, 14-15:30