The flip side of self-employment

The sociologist Dieter Bögenhold is advocating a critical discourse on the functions and effects of self-employment on national economies. After all, not all that glistens is gold when it comes to labour market statistics.

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The ball is out of play

In Madrid, Barcelona or Munich, millionaires attempt to kick balls into goals. The same balls are produced for just a few cents in China, India, Pakistan and Thailand. Global markets insist on ethical standards for the countries of production, and yet these very same standards threaten existences in the affected countries. For her doctoral thesis, Farah Naz examined football production in Pakistan. In this interview, she tells us why it is important to think in shades of grey, rather than in black and white.

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Patience and perseverance on the journey to entrepreneurship

Entrepreneurs with Pakistani, Indian and Afghan roots are at the centre of Muhammad Zubair’s research efforts. He studies the socio-economic impact of entrepreneurs from migrant backgrounds. To this end, he set off from Pakistan to pursue his research and to work in this country.

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Lucky 8: What effect do price-endings have in Asia?

While prices in the Western world tend to end in 0, 5 or 9, many prices in Asia end in the number 8. A new study has explored the effects of the “lucky number” 8 in pricing practices.

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