Elena Smirnova: „Seeing the world from new angles.“

Our graduate Elena Smirnova completed the Master’s degree programme in Geography and Regional Studies. For the past two years, she has been working as a regional manager for Hilfswerk International and in recent months she has been in charge of various projects in the South Caucasus, the Western Balkans and Eastern Europe. In the interview, she tells us about her dream job and explains her work for women who have experienced migration.

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Research on qualitative company growth: companies grow in leaps

Most entrepreneurs are aware of the fact that companies do not grow in a linear and continuous fashion. A research team has now investigated not only the catalysts of these entrepreneurial leaps but also what exactly happens in these leaps. The findings have recently been published in the renowned journal “Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice”.

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Margareta Ciglič: The wonderful world of Informatics.

Our graduate Margareta Ciglič discovered her passion for Computer Science while studying Applied Business Administration and decided to study both in parallel. We chatted with her about how all this came about, what her subsequent path at the university and at Kelag Energie has been like, and what is drawing her back to the lecture halls of the University of Klagenfurt in the upcoming summer semester. Read more

Who do we make good decisions with?

Every day, whenever we make decisions, be it in our professional or personal lives, we are faced with complicated challenges that we cannot always master alone, but manage rather more effectively in a team. Dario Blanco Fernandez, doctoral student at the doctoral school DECIDE (Decision-making in a digital environment), seeks to find out how people collaborate when it comes to solving tasks together and reaching (good) decisions. Read more