Vom Außen aufs Innere schließen: Inverse Probleme in der Mathematik ermöglichen neue Einblicke

Inverse Probleme in der Mathematik bestimmen die Ursachen für Effekte: Beispielsweise kann man über das Messen von Spannungsverteilung an der Körperoberfläche auf die Beschaffenheit des Gewebes im Körper schließen. Die Lösung solcher Probleme ist derzeit häufig sehr rechenzeitintensiv. Barbara Kaltenbacher arbeitet daher nun in einem FWF-Projekt an neuen Rechenverfahren für allgemeine inverse Probleme.

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Game Pics | Jam & Show. Workshop und Ausstellung zu In-Game Photography an der Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt

Anlässlich der Einführung des Masterstudiums „Game Studies and Engineering“ veranstalten die Institute für Informationstechnologie und Anglistik/Amerikanistik in Zusammenarbeit mit Wissen schafft Kunst ein Reflexionsexperiment zu In-Game Photography. Eröffnung der Ausstellung am 13. Juni 2017. Read more

New technology to predict interference in wireless networks

If two musicians were to play at the same concert venue simultaneously, it would not only sound terrible, but it would also be impossible to understand the song lyrics. The same is true whenever huge volumes of data is exchanged between sensors nodes. Mahin Atiq is working to predict the associated interference that arise in wireless networks.

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Smaller & lighter: Printed sensors for spectrometers

Imagine that a pipeline that stretches for miles and miles springs a leak. Traditionally, this would mean many miles of walking for someone tasked with finding the hole. In an ideal world, this search for the precise point of methanol leakage could also be performed by a drone, onto which a spectrometer has been mounted that specializes in analysing chemical samples. Existing devices are currently far too heavy; the drone would soon have to give up. Lisa-Marie Faller is working on a technology, with which the fitted spectrometers can be made much smaller and would therefore be suitable for this type of deployment, amongst others. In recognition of her work, the doctoral student received the Best Paper Award at the IEEE Conference EuroSimE in Dresden in April.

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