Improved Hydrological Projections and Statistical Downscaling of Process-based Climate Models for the Upper Indus Basin
Rigorosum (Defensio) Firdos Khan
AAU Klagenfurt, N.0.0.7, 27.7.2017, 11.00
The availability of water resources plays an important role for the economy of a country. The nexus of Energy-Food-Water are interlinked and of particular importance in the uncertain environment of developing countries. In Pakistan, agriculture contributes 25 percent to the Gross Domestic Product. … This makes it important to investigate the status of water availability in the Upper Indus Basin under existing emission scenarios. In this study, the future availability of water is projected for the Indus River under the A2, B2, RCP4.5 and RCP8.5 emission scenarios. …
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