Improved Hydrological Projections and Statistical Downscaling of Process-based Climate Models for the Upper Indus Basin

Rigorosum (Defensio) Firdos Khan
AAU Klagenfurt, N.0.0.7, 27.7.2017, 11.00
The availability of water resources plays an important role for the economy of a country. The nexus of Energy-Food-Water are interlinked and of particular importance in the uncertain environment of developing countries. In Pakistan, agriculture contributes 25 percent to the Gross Domestic Product. … This makes it important to investigate the status of water availability in the Upper Indus Basin under existing emission scenarios. In this study, the future availability of water is projected for the Indus River under the A2, B2, RCP4.5 and RCP8.5 emission scenarios. …
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Ferialpraktikum: Applets in Excel zur Visualisierung in der Statistik-Ausbildung in wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Studien

M. Borovcnik, J. Winkler
AAU Klagenfurt, 10.7.-4.8.2017

Praktikantinnen Anna Kramer, Lea Lessiak
Programmieren und Gestalten von Applets in Excel. Diese Applets sollen das Verständnis von statistischen Begriffen erleichtern. Dabei werden auch Daten nach entsprechenden Wahrscheinlichkeitsannahmen zu simulieren, auszuwerten und graphisch darzustellen sein. Technisch-naturwissenschaftliche Inhalte im Praktikum: Programmieren in Excel. Statistik und Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung – elementare Begriffe und Methoden. Simulation. Key issues for courses in introductory statistics and probability at university level for non-mathematical studies


The Session of the IASE Journal

Invited Paper Session 153, 61st World Statistics Congress

Marrakech, 16.-21.7.2017

Organiser: Manfred Borovcnik, AAU Klagenfurt
Chair: Delia North, U KwaZulu-Natal
Speakers and discussants:

  • Jim Ridgway, Durham U: To SERJ or not to SERJ – That Is the Question (with Apologies to Shakespeare)
  • Ayse Aysin Bilgin, Macquarie U, Sydney: Future Directions for the Statistics Education Research Journal (SERJ)
  • Manfred Borovcnik, AAU Klagenfurt: Status Quo, Current Problems, and Visions for a Change in SERJ’s Strategies to Serve the Needs of a Growing Research Community in Statistics Education

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A Comparative Study of Statistical Inference from an Educational Point of View

Invited Paper Session 116, 61st World Statistics Congress

Marrakech, 16.-21.7.2017
Organiser: Manfred Borovcnik, AAU Klagenfurt
Chair: Michael G. Schimek, Med U Graz
Discussant: Jan Hannig, UNC at Chapel Hill

  • Robert delMas, U Minnesota: A 21st Century Approach towards Statistical Inference – Re-Randomization, Resampling, and Bootstrap to Replace Traditional Statistical Inference
  • Min-ge Xie, Rutgers U, New Jersey: Urging A Paradigm Change: An Introduction to BFF (Bayesian, Frequentist And Fiducial) Inferences and how Bayesian and Frequentist Come together
  • Dalene Stangl, Duke U, Durham: Informal Inference – Some Thoughts to Reconsider
  • Manfred Borovcnik, AAU Klagenfurt: Why and how to Train Introductory Statistics Students in Bayesian Thinking – A Decision-Oriented Approach towards Statistical Inference

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