Are we seeing genuine progress with recommender systems?

Recommender systems represent a key technology for e-commerce providers such as Google, Amazon, Netflix, and Spotify. It is therefore with a certain urgency that researchers are working intensively on making ever more accurate predictions about the products and services users might want to consume next. However, in a paper published recently, Maurizio Ferrari Dacrema, Paolo Cremonesi and Dietmar Jannach were able to show that several critical issues concerning the research methodology are hindering progress in the development of recommender systems. In recognition of their work, they received the Best Full Paper Award at the renowned ACM Conference on Recommender Systems in Copenhagen in September.

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StudienassistentIn gesucht !!!!

Die Informatikwerkstatt der AAU Klagenfurt sucht eine Studienassistentin bzw. einen Studienassistenten zur Erstellung von Security-Lehrinhalten für Sekundarstufe I und II.

Bearbeitung im Rahmen einer BA- bzw. MA-Arbeit (UF Informatik, ggf. auch Angewandte Informatik) möglich.

Bei Interesse bitte Kontakt mit Andreas Bollin (andreas [dot] bollin [at] aau [dot] at) oder Peter Schartner (peter [dot] schartner [at] aau [dot] at) aufnehmen.

Open PostDoc Position

Details: PostDoc_10_2019

New Colleague @ IAS

We are very happy to welcome our new colleague Mahmoud Sadeghi in the Department of Informatics Systems. Mahmoud Sadeghi starts his work in the Interactive Systems research group in October, 2019.