Paper on validating dependencies in build configurations accepted by JSS

Our paper DValidator: An approach for validating dependencies in build configurations by Christian Macho, Fabian Oraze, and Martin Pinzger has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Systems and Software (JSS). Online version is available as open access.

ESEC/FSE 2023 Distinguished Reviewer Award for Martin Pinzger

Martin Pinzger received an ESEC/FSE 2023 Distinguished Reviewer Award. ESEC/FSE is one of the top three international conferences in software engineering. This is the second award in a row after having received it also in 2022.

Irene Tubikanec wins Kepler Award for Excellent Teaching

Congratulations to Irene Tubikanec, who was awarded for the “Kepler Student Award for Excellent Teaching” at JKU Linz.

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Job advertisement: Two Predoc Positions (f/m/d) in Software Engineering

The Software Engineering Research Group at the University of Klagenfurt is pleased to announce 2 Predoc positions (f/m/d) in software engineering with a focus on code and API change impact analysis in microservice-based systems. The deadline for submission of the application ends on July 4th, 2023. The position is for 4 years and the planned starting date is September 1st, 2023.

2 PhD Students for Change Impact Analysis in Microservice-based Systems