Applied Data Science – Use Cases and Challenges in the Semiconductor Industry

Dr. Anja Zernig | KAI Kompetenzzentrum Automobil- und Industrieelektronik GmbH Villach |
Friday, November 26, 2021 | 10:00 (CET, 09:00 UTC) | S.1.42



Abstract: AI has infected the world. Today, there is a huge hype around Data Science activities all over the world, where one of the biggest challenges for the industry is to deliver financial value quickly but also sustainably. In her talk, she will show some examples on latest Use Cases in the area of Data Science within the semiconductor industry, including technical approaches and practical challenges. Further, she will give some personal insights on important enabling factors that make a Data Science project successful.


Bio: Anja Zernig coordinates Data Science projects at KAI Kompetenzzentrum Automobil- und Industrieelektronik GmbH in Villach, which is a 100% subsidiary of Infineon Technologies Austria AG. Dr. Zernig studied Technical Mathematics at the University of Klagenfurt and received her PhD in 2016. Afterwards, she has been applied as a researcher at KAI, focusing on topics like outlier and anomaly detection, pattern recognition, applied statistical methods and Machine Learning techniques. Since 2019 she is coordinating a team of Data Scientists, involved in various national and international funding projects and acts as a link between the industry and academic collaboration partners. She is supervising researchers and students, dealing with innovative data-analytical concepts within the semiconductor production, testing and optimization and publishes latest scientific insights in different conference and Journal papers. Beside this, Dr. Zernig participates in and supports local Data Science activities, e.g. she is part of the organizing team of the Women in Data Science Villach. In recent times, she is focusing on deployment strategies to guarantee sustainable Machine Learning lifecycles.

Student Assistant 20 hours/week

Job Description:

We are looking for a Student Assistant at the Department of Artificial Intelligence and Cybersecurity (AICS) / Information Systems. The candidate will be working in collaboration with the scientific staff of the group to support their research activities. The tasks for the Student Assistant will for example include manual and automated data collection, annotation, and correction.


  • Must be a regular student at AAU
  • Good English communication skills
  • Able to program in Java and/or Python

Working period:

from 15 November 2021 for one month

If you are interested, please send a mail to ahtsham [dot] manzoor [at] aau [dot] at!

Second place in Austria and placed in ranking group 201-250 worldwide: Information and Communications Engineering achieves major success in THE Ranking 2022

The THE Ranking 2022 represents the first time that the University of Klagenfurt has also been ranked in the field of “Engineering”. Being ranked second among Austrian universities at the first attempt is due in no small part to the outstanding research achievements of the scientists and the field’s high degree of internationality. The relatively young Faculty of Technical Sciences is confident in maintaining its chosen course – and continues to reach for the stars.

Read more

Teams of robots that don’t run out of energy

Let’s imagine a large region affected by an earthquake that needs to be combed for missing persons. Because buildings remain at risk of collapsing, this is a task that is particularly well-suited to robots. Micha Sende addressed this kind of scenario in his doctoral thesis.

“What is special about this is that all the robots have the same role, in other words, no-one acts as coordinator,” Micha Sende explains. His research focuses on energy autonomy, asking questions such as: How much energy do I have left? How much energy do I still need to complete a specific task? How long can I continue to work, and when do I need to recharge? Which charging station should I head for, and which one is free at the moment?

When asked what makes this task rather complex, Micha Sende answers: “A robotic lawnmower or a robotic vacuum cleaner have a comparatively easy job. They know the territory and they usually work alone, not in a team.” Moreover, they do not have to work in an optimised way, i.e. a few extra laps around the living room are usually quite acceptable. But when it comes to searching for missing persons, it is essential that the robots work as quickly and efficiently as possible and that no breakdowns occur.

Above all, the scenario involving several robots and several charging stations had not yet been extensively researched, Micha Sende continues. At this point he also mentions electric cars: Here too, relatively little research has been undertaken to date.

Micha Sende has recently completed his doctorate. Most of the work was carried out at the computer using simulations; towards the end, the scenarios were also tested using real robots. Micha Sende is currently working as a member of the research team at the neighbouring Lakeside Labs GmbH.

Micha Sende first came to Villach as part of his industrial internship for his diploma degree and later he landed a doctoral position in Christian Bettstetter’s research group at the Institute of Networked and Embedded Systems. “Self-organising systems appeared especially captivating, which is why I focused on this area,” he tells us. He describes their advantage: “By relying on self-organisation, we can build fully functional systems that can no longer be controlled from the outside due to their complexity.”

A few words with … Micha Sende

What motivates you to work in science?
The freedom to work on topics that are not precisely defined in advance and that can yield exciting insights.

Do your parents understand what you are working on?
Yes, by and large. Of course, they don’t understand the highly technical details.

What is the first thing you do when you get to the office in the morning?
I fetch myself some fresh water and check my emails.

Do you take proper holidays? Without thinking about your work?
While I was working on my doctorate, I was never able to relax entirely, there was always something working at the back of my mind. Now that’s done, I can switch off completely. Even a weekend can sometimes feel like a full holiday.

What makes you furious?
Aggressiveness, injustice and thoughtlessness by people towards fellow human beings, animals and nature.

And what calms you down?
Taking a deep breath and thinking rationally.

Who do you regard as the greatest scientist in history and why?
I was particularly fascinated by Alan Turing during my studies. He developed the computer in theory long before it was feasible to consider its technical implementation.

What are you afraid of?
In general, I am very optimistic and don’t tend to feel afraid. Nevertheless, I make sure I follow simple safety measures to minimise risks.

What are you looking forward to?
The tranquillity and challenge that comes with alpine sports.