Bitmovin and the University of Klagenfurt start €3.3million climate-friendly video streaming platform research project ‘GAIA.’

Bitmovin, a leading provider of video streaming infrastructure, and the University of Klagenfurt announced they will collaborate on a two-year joint research project worth €3.3million to develop a climate-friendly adaptive video streaming platform called ‘GAIA’. The Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG) will co-fund the project, providing an initial €460,000 in funding for the first year. 

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Processing vast amounts of data: New research project for greater energy efficiency

New superlatives have reached the information technology sector: Big Data is being replaced by Extreme Data. Developers face the challenge of managing so-called “massive graphs”, i.e. enormous quantities of information and links between information nodes. All of this consumes huge amounts of energy. Researchers in a new EU Horizon project are working on a holistic model to address the current challenges.

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Klagenfurt-based researcher Samira Hayat is one of the 10 “Rising Stars in Computer Networking and Communications”

Samira Hayat is currently a member of the Lakeside Labs GmbH research team. Hayat completed her doctorate at the University of Klagenfurt and has contributed to numerous research projects aimed at the ongoing development of drones as well as the use of 5G networks for drone networks. Samira Hayat is the first researcher based in Austria to make it onto the prestigious list of “Rising Stars in Computer Networking and Communications”.

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Decoration of Honour of the Province of Carinthia for Univ.-Prof. Gerhard Friedrich

For his special services as a professor and in particular as the longstanding Dean of the Faculty of Technical Sciences at the University of Klagenfurt, Univ.-Prof. DI Dr. Gerhard Friedrich was awarded the Decoration of Honour of the Province of Carinthia by Governor Dr. Peter Kaiser on 18 July 2022 in the Mirror Hall of the Carinthian Provincial Government.

Mr Friedrich has worked persistently and highly successfully for a focus of Carinthia as an educational, scientific and business location in the field of technical sciences and digitalisation. Particularly noteworthy in this context is his great commitment in the field of artificial intelligence applications. In addition, he was able to successfully promote and expand networking between the Austrian economy and the University of Klagenfurt. Thanks to his initiative and tireless efforts, a significant expansion of the technical sciences in terms of personnel and content has been achieved, especially in the area of cybersecurity and modular robot systems.

During his tenure, among other things, the computer science workshop, the establishment of a drone hall, the establishment of the Silicon Austria Lab (SAL) and successful and promising cooperations with the research institution Joanneum Research, newly settled in Carinthia, were created. He has consistently pursued the orientation of the Faculty of Technical Sciences towards international visibility and scientific excellence, thus enabling highly gratifying results in the university rankings.

We warmly congratulate Univ.-Prof. Gerhard Friedrich!


Governor Peter Kaiser presents the Decoration of Honour of the Province of Carinthia to Gerhard Friedrich | Photo: LPD Kärnten/Eggenberger