SERG – Best Reviewers of 2020 for the Journal of Systems and Software

Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Christian Macho was named among the best reviewers of 2020 for the Journal of Systems and Software.
In the context of a journal, unlike a traditional conference, reviewers contribute substantially to the ultimate quality of papers that are published.
Dr. Macho is a postdoc (tenure track) in the Software Engineering Group (SERG) led by Prof. Martin Pinzger.
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Analysing changes in microservice-based systems

When it comes to computer science, we can develop large, complex applications as a single monolithic system, or we can split them into small, scalable components that work together using standard protocols. In the Internet cloud, these small components are often implemented as microservices. A new research project, funded by the Austrian Research Promotion Agency, sets out to understand more precisely how changes in a single microservice affect other microservices and the application as a whole. Read more

ICS – TIME conference 2021

The 28th International Symposium on Temporal Representation and Reasoning, TIME 2021, will be held this year at the University of Klagenfurt.

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ICS – Poster Presentation – Europe Biobank Week 2020

Between 17th -20th November the Europe Biobank Week 2020  has taken place. More than 700 professionals met virtually to exchange their knowledge and to discuss current topics concerning biobanking. Dr.phil. Volodymyr Shekhovtsov from ICS was one of the participating experts.

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