INAUGURATION LECTURE by UNIV.-PROF. JANNACH | 15 March 2018, 5:00 p. m., K.0.01

The Rectorate of Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt


the Dean of the Faculty of Technical Sciences

kindly invite you to the

“Recommender Systems – More than Intelligent Algorithms”


Department of Applied Informatics

on 15 March 2018

at 5:00 p.m.

in room K.0.01 (Stiftungssaal der Kärntner Sparkasse at the campus of the AAU)

There will be a small buffet afterwards.

Please send an informal email to birgit-maria [dot] moser [at] aau [dot] at in case you plan to attend the lecture.Siegel AAU

Two master theses in field of eMedication in progress

eMedication and ELGA are very popular in the Austrian press these days.

At the Department of Applied Informatics we have started to think about the direct benefits that could be derived for patients from their ELGA eMedication data.

In this context, Peter Schartner and Claudia Steinberger supervice two master theses focusing the following research aims (see also Fig. 1)

  • MyELGA e-Medication: Development, maintenance and analysis of a patient-specific platform MyELGA e-Medication
  • Alexa meets MyELGA: Utilization of myELGA e-Medication for the supplementation of ELGA data and the active support of patients via speech assistants such as Alexa.

Special attention is paid in both thesis to the data security of the developed solutions.

Students, who would also like to work in this area, are welcome.

Master topics ELGA eMedication

Fig 1: eMedication : master theses overview


AINF researchers receive ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Award

Researchers of TU Graz, TU Dortmund, and AAU have developed a new technique that automatically predicts which formulas in a spreadsheet are most probably faulty. The work was accepted for publication at the prestigious ICSE 2018 conference (NIER track) and received an ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Award.

ÖGAI Award 2013-2016 for Patrick Rodler

Congratulations:  Patrick Rodler was awarded in January 2018 with the  Recognition Award of the Austrian Society for Artificial Intelligence 2013-2016 (ÖGAI) for his outstanding master thesis “A Theory of Interactive Debugging of Knowledge Bases in Monotonic Logics”.

The Austrian Society for Artificial Intelligence awards the ÖGAI-Award for the best diploma thesis / master thesis in a sub-area of Artificial Intelligence to support young scientists.

(from left to right): Prof. Stefan Woltran (Jury), Patrick Rodler (Winner), Prof. Ernst Buchberger (ÖGAI President), Thomas Krismayer (Winner), Prof. Thomas Eiter (Jury)