D!ARC Network published by the university centre D!ARC – Digital Age Research Center

D!ARC network: “Inclusion, distinction, reward: The means and ends of recognition in collaborative research”

April 18th 2023 / 01:00 – 02:30pm  /   N.2.57

Univ.-Ass. Helene Sorgner Bakk. MA BA  (STS, Department of Science Communication and Higher Education Research)

Titel:  “Inclusion, distinction, reward: The means and ends of recognition in collaborative research”

Playing Imitation Games – Impressions and perspectives from contemporary AI discourse(s)

28th of March 2023 1 – 2.30 pm
N2.57 !!

Univ.-Ass. Roland Peball MA BA

„Workshop: Ethnomethodology in the digital world with Andrei Korbut”

We at the D!ARC are excited to announce an upcoming workshop on ethnomethodological approaches to make sense of digital worlds. The workshop is being held by Andrei Korbut, PhD, who is an associated researcher at the Digital Culture Research Group.

The workshop is open for all levels and no prior knowledge of ethnomethodology is required to take part. The event will be held in English. If you have further questions or want to register for the workshop, please send an e-mail to: clara [dot] hoestermann [at] aau [dot] at

We are looking forward to welcoming you at the event.

When: 15th of November 2022 from 3 – 5 pm

Where:  N.2.57 (AAU Campus)

You will find more information here. The Ethnomethodology of digital worlds


Andrei Korbut (Assoc. Researcher, D!ARC)

is an independent researcher with primary interest in ethnomethodological studies of human–computer interaction and, in particular, user encounters with artificial intelligence. He defended his PhD in Sociology in the Higher School of Economics (Russia) in 2014, and then worked as a researcher in several academic institutions in Russia. He applies ethnomethodology and conversation analysis to the research in digitalization of labor, communication with voice interfaces, and social transformation of homes by smart technologies.