GET CONNECTED: Career opportunities in Carinthia

Our Career Service and Almuni Network are your interface between studying and the professional world. Read more

English and American Studies: dream studies since the Upper School

Sophia Lafner studies English and American Studies and Geography and Economics in the teacher education programme. She is currently writing her master’s thesis and talks to us about her studies, funny anecdotes and her start of studies. In the interview she tells us how her view of the world has changed through her studies and why you should not give in.

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Studying Romance Studies: For Paloma Seger, stays abroad are an important part of her studies

The Romance Studies programme deals with the history, literature and culture of Romance languages. Paloma Seger has chosen to study Italian and Spanish and has lived in Trieste and Mexico City for some time during her studies. Studying at a small university increases the chances of finding a place to study abroad. In this interview, she tells us what she likes about studying here and also, why she is drawn to faraway places.

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Studying Philosophy: Understanding the love of wisdom theoretically and living it practically

Namita Herzl studies Philosophy. She enthuses about the freedom of curriculum choices, the discussions with professors and her love of wisdom. Where she sees herself professionally, what she wants to give to others and why she prefers studying in Klagenfurt to studying in Vienna, she tells us in this interview.

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