No energy transition without metallic minerals: Research project investigates trade in critical raw materials in times of political unrest

The war between Russia and Ukraine, for example, does not only affect the trade in gas and oil, but also the market for metallic minerals, which Europe urgently needs to boost the energy transition. A research project from the field of economics is investigating how trade in mineral commodities is linked to geopolitical risks.

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Reason cast in equations

Casting the rational behaviour of individuals in mathematical models and learning from these for use in reality: Daniel Rehsmann recently completed his doctorate in microeconomics and, among other things, he explored the conditions under which it is rational to spread misinformation.

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Reading and comprehension: The best way to prepare for the special admission procedure

Several special admission procedures for Bachelor’s and Master’s programmes have already started at the University of Klagenfurt. Dmitri Blüschke, programme director of the English-language Bachelor’s programme in “International Business and Economics”, shares some tips on how applicants can get the most out of the preparation process.

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National debt and economic literacy in uncertain times

Economic events affect each and every one of us, yet many people regard economic issues as an impenetrable “black box”. Martin Wagner, Professor of Economics at the University of Klagenfurt, sheds light on the much-debated topic of national debt and stresses the importance of increased economic literacy.

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