News published by the University of Klagenfurt concerning the Department of Slavonic Studies

Scholarship available for students of Slovene Studies

Starting in 2023, the Department of Slavic Studies at the University of Klagenfurt is pleased to introduce a scholarship for students from the Slovene ethnic group in Carinthia who are pursuing a degree in Slovene Studies. Applications will be accepted until 11 April 2023.

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Studying History and Slavonic studies: “The experience you can gain here is priceless!“

The Carinthian Denise Branz has Slovenian roots. That was one of the reasons for her to study History and Slavonic Studies at the AAU. When asked why she didn’t decide to study to become a teacher, she laughs: “I am simply not a teacher”. In this interview, she tells us what particularly excites her about her studies and why the excursions to Tunisia and Libya will remain in her memory.

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