The rocky road to wisdom

According to Judith Glück, a research scientist specialising in this area, wisdom comes to those who are able to emerge from life-changing experiences stronger. In her book, she introduces five resources that wise people have available to them that help them to overcome the rocky road to wisdom.

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Kein Meister fällt vom Himmel

Um zu einem Experten oder zu einer Expertin zu werden, braucht es im Schnitt zehn Jahre Übung. Der Kognitionspsychologe Merim Bilalić erklärt im Interview die Prozesse im Gehirn von ExpertInnen.

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Look to the right and left

Dr. Rosita Anna Ernst completed her diploma and doctoral studies in Psychology at AAU Klagenfurt. Back then, she was involved with the ÖH (Austrian Student Union) for a long time, also as chairwoman. Today she is team leader at Caritas and runs her own practice in Vienna as a systemic family therapist and child and youth therapist. In this interview she tells us why “being different” was a great benefit for her, how her studies prepared her for her current job and how to cook Roman food in the university’s canteen.   Read more

The prevalence of mental disorders among older people is greater than previously assumed

Previous studies have largely assumed that the prevalence of mental disorders declines with old age. The results of a new large-scale study with innovative diagnostic methods conducted in six European countries reveal that, considering the previous year retrospectively, approximately one third of the respondents in the age group between 65 and 85 had suffered from a mental disorder, and roughly one quarter were mentally ill at the time of the interviews. The results have now been published in the renowned “British Journal of Psychiatry”.   

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