Journalism needs to reach out and engage

Social discourse is becoming increasingly heated and radicalised. Why is it that the movements that threaten democracy are more successful in drawing people in than those seeking to promote democracy?

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“The Internet has given us new narrative stages.”

Stories have been told throughout the existence of humankind. While audiences were somewhat limited until the 2000s, thanks to the Internet, virtually the whole world is now available to practically anyone as a potential listener. In her research, Christina Schachtner, professor emeritus at the Department of Media and Communication Studies at the University of Klagenfurt, is particularly interested in the “narrative subject”. Now, her book bearing the same title has been published as an open access book in the English language. In an interview with her, we discuss the tragedies and comedies that are performed in virtual space.

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Analysis and critical examination of images of popular culture: Visual Culture is a future topic

Today, visual media have a greater impact than ever before – they inspire, manipulate, generate emotions and spread faster than ever before. Visual skills are increasingly becoming a key qualification. Michaela Mak has chosen to study the master’s programme Visual Culture. In this interview, the art and culture enthusiast from Finkenstein tells us why she chose the programme and why Klagenfurt, in particular, is convincing.

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Moving to Klagenfurt to study: Two cities where you feel at home

The Upper Austrian Katharina Zarembach came to Klagenfurt via detours. Now she is enjoying the bachelor’s programme Media and Communications here. She has advice for you on how to choose the right place to study and how to start your studies in the best way.

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