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Many of us are familiar with recommender systems, especially from sales platforms. Based on our previous decisions, they recommend other products that could also be of interest to us. But can they guide us towards “better” options that are genuinely more beneficial for us? Mathias Jesse, doctoral student in the doctoral school DECIDE, is investigating the working mechanisms of various technical concepts.

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Who do we make good decisions with?

Every day, whenever we make decisions, be it in our professional or personal lives, we are faced with complicated challenges that we cannot always master alone, but manage rather more effectively in a team. Dario Blanco Fernandez, doctoral student at the doctoral school DECIDE (Decision-making in a digital environment), seeks to find out how people collaborate when it comes to solving tasks together and reaching (good) decisions. Read more

More artificial intelligence for smart meters

Intelligent electricity meters offer insights into smart homes – benefiting the residents. Where older people live alone, their electricity consumption data can be used to determine whether they are in good health. They can also help us to reduce the risk of high electricity bills. As a doctoral student at the DECIDE doctoral school, Hafsa Bousbiat is researching models that make optimal use of the new possibilities.

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The man who calculates the future

Under which conditions can mathematics be used to calculate how many and which animals will live where, how viruses will spread, and how strong our economic performance will be tomorrow? Christian Aarset has developed mathematical models that allow us to calculate the future. He recently completed his doctoral thesis under the supervision of Christian Pötzsche. 

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