One time for all: Synchronising time in drone swarms

Wherever several clocks tick simultaneously, it is tricky to get them all to display precisely the same time. This can be a challenge for drone swarms that are airborne together. To tackle this problem, young scientist Agata Gniewek is developing new technologies.

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Many routes lead to an overview image: Path planning for drone swarms

A forest is ablaze: Before the fire service can even commence fire-fighting operations, an overview is required. This could be an opportunity for the deployment of drone swarms, dispatched to survey the affected area from the air and to take photos. But how do the drones know which paths they should ideally survey? Jürgen Scherer is working on improving the process of path planning for drone swarms.

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On the outrage over how one single species treats the other species

How many species will remain, if we use land in a certain way and climate change continues to progress? Iwona Dullinger addresses this question in her research for her doctoral thesis at the  Institute of Social Ecology. We now know that land use and climate change are the two main drivers of biodiversity loss. Yet, to date, research has rarely considered them jointly. Dullinger hopes to close this research gap.

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Performing good deeds and keeping employees informed

When companies perform good deeds, they do this for different reasons: From altruism to image considerations – the motives for so-called CSR measures are manifold. What is essential, however, is that CSR measures must be perceived as credible by the employees, as they are often the ones who constitute the “face” of a company. They implement the CSR measures and communicate the commitment beyond the borders of the company. Sarah Desirée Schäfer is investigating the perception and evaluation as well as the impact of CSR measures and CSR communication upon employees.

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