Taking pride in the company: Employees regard those well who do good in an authentic way

In addition to flexibility and development prospects, activities that endeavour to promote the company’s corporate social responsibility (CSR) also play an important role when it comes to looking for a job, especially in the case of young people. Organisations that recognise their social responsibility, for example by supporting the environment or social causes, convey values that are highly relevant to many employees. A team of researchers recently investigated how employees’ perception of CSR programmes affects organisational pride.

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New patent for mini-helicopters that can operate autonomously for several days in a row

Drones that can monitor environments such as nature reserves for weeks on end, are no longer a far-off prospect: At the initiative of the California Institute of Technology, or Caltech for short (Pasadena, USA), five researchers, including three from the University of Klagenfurt, have now applied for a new technology patent in the USA.

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Delivery robots on sidewalks and autonomous vehicles: Research project for optimised supply chains in cities

Empty trucks are stuck in traffic jams and people use cars to drive to parcel lockers: Urban supply chains have a lot of potential to be made more sustainable and efficient. This is particularly noticeable in the run-up to Christmas, when more goods and parcels than usual are in circulation. A research project is now set to develop new optimisation tools.

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The Dunning-Kruger effect and the muesli bar: Those who know the least tend to believe they are highly competent

The Dunning-Kruger effect can be observed in many different areas: Those who know the least often think of themselves as particularly competent, while those with a lot of knowledge tend to underestimate their own expertise. A research team recently investigated the extent to which this phenomenon can be observed in the area of media and nutrition. The results are clear: Even when it comes to evaluating a supposedly healthy low-carb bar, people who are not competent at all consider themselves to be particularly competent.

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