GET CONNECTED: Career opportunities in Carinthia

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“ There is a desire to ‘improve’ something in the interest of others, without actually knowing what those interests are.”

In the Western world we are very quick to demand specific ethical criteria relating to working conditions. However, the Pakistani sociologist Farah Naz, who earned her doctorate at the University of Klagenfurt and now researches and teaches at the University of Sargodha, raises the following issue: Before judging child labour and home-based work, we should understand the living and working conditions of the families concerned. Together with sociology professor Dieter Bögenhold, she has published a book with the title “Unheard Voices”. The publication forges links between the work of Pakistani football stitchers and the great global inequalities. The two authors discuss the main ideas of their book in this interview.

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The man who calculates the future

Under which conditions can mathematics be used to calculate how many and which animals will live where, how viruses will spread, and how strong our economic performance will be tomorrow? Christian Aarset has developed mathematical models that allow us to calculate the future. He recently completed his doctoral thesis under the supervision of Christian Pötzsche. 

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Claudia Felsberger: Ich wollte schon immer Medienwissenschaften studieren

Unsere Absolventin Claudia Felsberger ist Redakteurin bei Futter, dem jungen Magazin der Kleinen Zeitung. Schon zu Schulzeiten war für sie klar: Sie will Medienwissenschaften studieren und ein Auslandssemester machen. Diese Bedingungen erfüllte die Universität Klagenfurt und so absolvierte sie Medien- und Kommunikationswissenschaften sowie Anglistik- und Amerikanistik im Bachelor und Media and Convergence Management im Master. Bereits zu Studienzeiten begann Sie für die Kleine Zeitung zu arbeiten. Read more