“The high quality of student supervision at the University of Klagenfurt represents a unique selling point that very few universities can offer.”

Markus Hornböck, one of our graduates, studied Applied Business Administration. He has served as Managing Director of BABEG Kärntner Betriebsansiedlungs- und Beteiligungsgesellschaft m.b.H. since 2019. In this interview, he tells us about the importance of the university for Carinthia as a business location, taking time to reflect and upcoming projects.

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“The good image of the University of Klagenfurt really impressed me.”

Our graduate Manuel Krebs studied Applied Business Administration at Bachelor’s and Master’s level, and also completed a Master’s degree in International Management. Today he is a member of the Talent Network team at Infineon Austria Technologies AG in Villach. The well-balanced curriculum and the positive image of the university particularly caught his eye when choosing a degree programme.

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Elena Smirnova: „Seeing the world from new angles.“

Our graduate Elena Smirnova completed the Master’s degree programme in Geography and Regional Studies. For the past two years, she has been working as a regional manager for Hilfswerk International and in recent months she has been in charge of various projects in the South Caucasus, the Western Balkans and Eastern Europe. In the interview, she tells us about her dream job and explains her work for women who have experienced migration.

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Using mathematics and statistics to build a 3D image of a factory

The BMW Group production network comprises over 30 production sites worldwide. To date, there is no digital record of precisely where each machine is located or where a sprinkler system is suspended from the ceiling. As part of her doctoral thesis project, Christina Petschnigg headed to BMW in Munich to develop a methodology capable of implementing this digitalisation. She has now completed her doctoral studies and is putting her expertise to good use at Infineon in Villach.

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