New career programme for international students

Students from 100 different nations fill the campus of the University of Klagenfurt with life. This winter semester, for the first time, our Career Service is organising an exclusive and tailor-made career programme for these students.

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MONEY TALK during your time at university

Rooms in shared flats or student dorms, food and drink, clothes, books and course material, hobbies – studying costs money. Even if you are one of the lucky ones with financial support from your parents – being able to earn a bit of extra money will offer you more freedom. And there is a lot you can do.

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Congratulations to our graduates // June 2023

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Mohamed Salem’s Journey of Passion, Scholarships and Technological Advancements

Mohamed Salem’s passion for mechatronics made him pursue a study programme in Autonomous Systems and Robotics in Information and Communications Engineering. Originally from Egypt, he was awarded the University of Klagenfurt Technology Scholarship and pursued his Master in Klagenfurt. He is currently working as a Senior Specialist at Infineon Technologies while also working as a lecturer at the University of Klagenfurt and pursuing his Ph.D. In our interview he talks about his journey from university student to lecturer, his experiences as a Technology Scholarship holder and his advice for students. Read more