Melanie Schranz: A woman’s journey into the realm of technology and to her dream job

Our graduate Melanie Schranz couldn’t get enough of the exciting research topics at the Department of Networked and Embedded Systems. As one of the first eight students on the Information and Communications Engineering degree programme, she went straight on to pursue a doctorate after completing her diploma thesis. Together, we look back at an exciting past and talk about the latest research topics at Lakeside Labs.

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Claudia Felsberger: Ich wollte schon immer Medienwissenschaften studieren

Unsere Absolventin Claudia Felsberger ist Redakteurin bei Futter, dem jungen Magazin der Kleinen Zeitung. Schon zu Schulzeiten war für sie klar: Sie will Medienwissenschaften studieren und ein Auslandssemester machen. Diese Bedingungen erfüllte die Universität Klagenfurt und so absolvierte sie Medien- und Kommunikationswissenschaften sowie Anglistik- und Amerikanistik im Bachelor und Media and Convergence Management im Master. Bereits zu Studienzeiten begann Sie für die Kleine Zeitung zu arbeiten. Read more

“Was G’scheits” studieren – Study something smart

Silvia Agha-Schantl studied Media and Communication in Klagenfurt. Today she is in great demand as business trainer, moderator and keynote speaker for international companies at home and abroad. Read more

The world is your playground

Patrik Schumacher studied architecture at London South Bank University and at the Technical University in Stuttgart. For his doctoral studies in philosophy he was drawn to the University of Klagenfurt. Today he is the sole partner of Zaha Hadid Architects in London and employs 400 architects working on over 950 projects in 55 countries.

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