Allow us to introduce: Fräulein Flora

Eva Krallinger-Gruber, from Salzburg, studied Journalism and Communication Studies at AAU. She has worked in France, Belgium, America and Switzerland. Now she is her own boss, and spends her time showing what Salzburg has to offer in the online city magazine ‘Fräulein Floras Favourite Hangouts’. She runs the blog together with her husband and is planning to publish her own magazine soon. In the interview she explains why she chose to study in Klagenfurt and what advice she would give to students today. Read more

Berlin: The buffet is abundantly covered!

In conversation with Riccardo Krampl, the psychoanalyst from Carinthian Lavanttal talks about his work and life in Berlin where he moved to in 2010 after finishing his studies in Educational Science and Psychology at the Alpen-Adria-Universtität Klagenfurt. And with him pictures from Carinthia. Read more

Learn from other people and cultures

Manuela Hofer-McIntyre studied English and American Studies as well as Media and Communications at AAU. She now works as Academic Coordinator at the University of Wyoming in the USA. In this interview, she tells us why she likes her job, how she prepares students for the international job market and what still connects her to the AAU today. Read more

A reunion with … Margit Heissenberger

Margit Heissenberger studied Educational Science in Klagenfurt and earned her doctorate in Psychology. After many years in Vienna, Brussels and New York, she now lives in Velden again and is the managing director of the “Initiative für Kärnten” (Initiative for Carinthia). She has spoken to ad astra about her way back to Carinthia.  Read more