News published by the University of Klagenfurt

Learn from other people and cultures

Manuela Hofer-McIntyre studied English and American Studies as well as Media and Communications at AAU. She now works as Academic Coordinator at the University of Wyoming in the USA. In this interview, she tells us why she likes her job, how she prepares students for the international job market and what still connects her to the AAU today. Read more

Degree ceremony for the graduates of the Alpen-Adria-Universität

On Friday, 18th November 2016, the degree ceremony for 165 graduates of the Alpen-Adria-Universität takes place in the Hans-Romauch-Lecture Hall (Lecture Hall A).

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Startschuss für Karriereprogramm interactive! an der AAU

Am 3. Oktober 2016 ging die erste Veranstaltung des interactive! Karriereprogramms erfolgreich über die Bühne. Die Alpen-Adria-Universität vernetzt damit erfolgreich Studierende und Unternehmen.

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Andrea Tonello and his former PhD student Alberto Pittolo received the prestigious IET 2016 Premium Award for the Best Paper published in IET Communications over the past two years

The paper “Physical layer security in power line communication networks: an emerging scenario, other than wireless” is a landmark paper that sheds new light on the information theoretic limits for secure communications in power line communication (PLC) channels.

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