News published by the University of Klagenfurt

Applied Cultural Studies in Klagenfurt: Socially critical and diverse

Maria Kravanja, 21 years old from Villach, studies Applied Cultural Studies (AKuWi) at the University of Klagenfurt. She already spoke to us about her life in her self-constructed Tiny House in an interview. As a First Generation Student, she is the first one to study in her family. She talks to us about the path that led her to study, her professional goal of becoming a scientist and tells us what advice she would like to give to freshers who do not have an academic family background.

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Studying History and Slavonic studies: “The experience you can gain here is priceless!“

The Carinthian Denise Branz has Slovenian roots. That was one of the reasons for her to study History and Slavonic Studies at the AAU. When asked why she didn’t decide to study to become a teacher, she laughs: “I am simply not a teacher”. In this interview, she tells us what particularly excites her about her studies and why the excursions to Tunisia and Libya will remain in her memory.

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Who do we make good decisions with?

Every day, whenever we make decisions, be it in our professional or personal lives, we are faced with complicated challenges that we cannot always master alone, but manage rather more effectively in a team. Dario Blanco Fernandez, doctoral student at the doctoral school DECIDE (Decision-making in a digital environment), seeks to find out how people collaborate when it comes to solving tasks together and reaching (good) decisions. Read more

Research into COVID-19-related crisis scenarios at AAU: New technology will optimise the supply of medical protective equipment

Earlier this year, it became painfully clear to many in Europe that the supply of face masks, gloves and protective overalls is by no means crisis-proof. A research team consisting of Austrian and Chinese scientists is now working on new technologies that will address different levels of the supply chain and will ultimately lead to the faster, more efficient and cheaper supply of protective equipment across Europe, even in times of crisis.

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