News published by the University of Klagenfurt

The State of Carinthia honours academic theses on digitalisation

This week, State Governor Peter Kaiser honoured three Bachelor’s, three Diploma and three Master’s theses as well as three doctoral theses, awarding a Carinthian Digitalisation Grant 2020 to each of the authors.

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Many of us are familiar with recommender systems, especially from sales platforms. Based on our previous decisions, they recommend other products that could also be of interest to us. But can they guide us towards “better” options that are genuinely more beneficial for us? Mathias Jesse, doctoral student in the doctoral school DECIDE, is investigating the working mechanisms of various technical concepts.

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Studying English and American Studies: “I feel like I am part of a huge university family!

Tamara Urach from Wolfsberg is about to complete her teacher education programme in English and History. She is so enthusiastic about the English language and culture that she decided to do an additional Bachelor of Arts in English and American Studies. In this interview, she tells us what she likes about the University of Klagenfurt and why freshers should dare to do something.

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Analysis and critical examination of images of popular culture: Visual Culture is a future topic

Today, visual media have a greater impact than ever before – they inspire, manipulate, generate emotions and spread faster than ever before. Visual skills are increasingly becoming a key qualification. Michaela Mak has chosen to study the master’s programme Visual Culture. In this interview, the art and culture enthusiast from Finkenstein tells us why she chose the programme and why Klagenfurt, in particular, is convincing.

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