News published by the University of Klagenfurt

COVID-19 update: The reading rooms will reopen from 24 February 2021!

At the initiative of the library and in close consultation with the university management, we are very pleased to be able to make the following announcement:  We are reopening our reading rooms for you!

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How can statistical methods provide a sound basis for decision-making in the areas of economics and sustainability policy?

The volume of socio-economic data has risen significantly in recent years. At the same time, its complexity is steadily increasing. A closer look at the data that is compiled for decision-makers reveals that we are far from making full use of the ever-growing mountain of data. A team of researchers drawn from the fields of statistics, machine learning, economics, social sciences and computer science is seeking to develop new methods that will allow the extrapolation of improved conclusions from the data. The project is funded by the Austrian Science Fund FWF.

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Describing developments in mathematical terms

Verena Schwarz came to Klagenfurt to join the FWF doc.funds doctoral programme on “Modeling – Analysis – Optimization of discrete, continuous, and stochastic systems”. We spoke with her about the origins of her passion for mathematics.

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Analysing changes in microservice-based systems

When it comes to computer science, we can develop large, complex applications as a single monolithic system, or we can split them into small, scalable components that work together using standard protocols. In the Internet cloud, these small components are often implemented as microservices. A new research project, funded by the Austrian Research Promotion Agency, sets out to understand more precisely how changes in a single microservice affect other microservices and the application as a whole. Read more