News published by the University of Klagenfurt

“I used every summer for an internship.”

Corinna Kuttnigg originally comes from the “Wild West” of Styria and began her studies at the Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt in 2007 after her graduation from school. After completing her studies, she joined the radio station Antenne Kärnten and has been through a variety of career stages there. Currently, Corinna Kuttnig is responsible for the news from Carinthia. In an interview she looks back on her studies and reminisces about her life.  Read more

The link between mountaineering and mathematics

That life opens up paths you never expected is something Johannes Hofmeister, a doctoral student in statistics, experienced only recently. He told us why he decided not to become a teacher (for now), but has become an avid mathematical researcher instead.

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From Cape Town to Klagenfurt: In conversation with advertising photographer Daniel Waschnig

Daniel Waschnig originally comes from Cape Town in South Africa but has been living and working in Klagenfurt for 10 years. The advertising photographer holds a bachelor’s degree in Media and Communications and is currently studying for a master’s degree in Media and Convergence Management. He tells us how his studies helped him to turn his hobby into his profession, what it means to be an advertising photographer and what still connects him to the AAU today.

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COVID-19 update: The reading rooms will reopen from 24 February 2021!

At the initiative of the library and in close consultation with the university management, we are very pleased to be able to make the following announcement:  We are reopening our reading rooms for you!

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