News published by the University of Klagenfurt

Friederike Wall is awarded the Austrian Cross of Honour for Science and Art, First Class, and the Carinthian Decoration of Honour goes to Martin Hitz

Up until October 2020, Friederike Wall and Martin Hitz acted as vice rectors at the University of Klagenfurt. On 21 April 2021, they were honoured for their achievements by Carinthian Governor Peter Kaiser in a ceremony in the Hall of Mirrors in the Carinthian Government buildings.

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Offloading computation to 5G networks: Helping drones to improve their autonomous navigation

Commercial drones usually come equipped with modest on-board computing power. Consequently, their speed and agility are somewhat limited when they use their cameras like eyes to navigate in space. Samira Hayat, a researcher at the Department of Information Technology, recently joined forces with colleagues from other departments and Deutsche Telekom to investigate the effects of offloading computation to the edge of the network (edge computing).

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Game Studies and Engineering: It’s the passion that drives me

After achieving a bachelor’s degree in Computer Science and Engineering at IIIT Una, India, Shivi Vats decided to come to Klagenfurt to continue studying with the master’s programme Games Studies and Engineering. In this interview he talks about why one should study at AAU and what advantages Klagenfurt has over a big city like Delhi, India.

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Dynatrace announces award for the best Bachelor‘s and Master‘s thesis

Dynatrace is inviting students and graduates of the University of Klagenfurt to participate in the award for the best Bachelor’s and Master’s thesis in the IT field. The prizes will be awarded for the first time this year and will be announced annually from now on. Read more