News published by the University of Klagenfurt

Enforcing security for robotics: Which bolts should be tightened?

To start with, robotics research is mainly about what is feasible. System security is often neglected in the process. Jasmin Wachter, a doctoral student pursuing her doctoral degree in the Karl-Popper-Kolleg “Responsible Safe and Secure Robotic Systems Engineering, SEEROSE”, wants to find out what measures are required to ensure that security for robotics also pays off. 

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Insights into KuWi teaching… 3 questions for Nursen Gömceli

What happens to feminism in the digital age? With her course, Nursen Gömceli offers students an opportunity to get insights into how digitalization has changed feminist activity in the 21st century. Students are engaged to find out how digital tools can be used to change things for the better. 

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English idioms: Simplifying the acquisition of idioms for learners

Idioms are regarded as particularly challenging when it comes to learning a second language. And yet, the comprehension and appropriate use of these expressions can serve to demonstrate greater linguistic proficiency. An Austrian-Russian project is now set to explore how English language learners from two different linguistic and cultural backgrounds approach the challenge of learning idioms. The project is funded by the Austrian Science Fund FWF.

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“You are not alone.”

“Firstly, you are not alone – you will hear us and see us daily as we guide New Zealand through this period”, these were the words of New Zealand’s Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern in March 2020. At the same time, the French President Emmanuel Macron declared war on the coronavirus with “Nous sommes en guerre.” We interviewed linguist Marta Degani to talk about different linguistic strategies in politics.

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