News published by the University of Klagenfurt

Splendid career ahead – with International Business & Economics and the new Master’s Programme Management, Economics & Data Science

We asked our international student Gian Marco Palazzoni, who is enrolled in the Bachelor’s Programme International Business and Economics, why he came to Klagenfurt and what he likes about studying here.

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New Master’s degree programme: Management, Economics, and Data Science

Digitalisation is revolutionising every aspect of economics. Thanks to this transformation, companies can use innovative tools to generate data volumes in the googol byte range. They need state-of-the-art management science methods to ensure that insights potentially contained in the data can be used in a meaningful and purposeful way to achieve success. Experts specialising in this cross-sectional subject – which cuts across all areas of data science and economics – will receive academic training at the University of Klagenfurt from the winter semester of 2023/24.

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“What astonishes me is how easily we humans are persuaded by content that is generated by a machine.”

Many of those following the current media discourse are left with a sense of alarmism: The message seems to be that advances being made in the development of artificial intelligence could cause the systems to spiral out of control. At the same time, experts are voicing concern about the potential influence of these technologies on the stability of democracies, given that images can be manipulated in a matter of seconds. We asked Wolfgang Faber, professor at the Department of Artificial Intelligence and Cybersecurity, for his take on the new AI tools and the state of research.

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The Austrian Students’ Union (ÖH) Elections at the University of Klagenfurt | 9th to 11th of May 2023

From the 9th to the 11th of May 2023, the ÖH elections for the upcoming two-year term of office will take place to determine the next study programme representatives, university representatives and federal representatives. Around 11,700 students are eligible to vote at the University of Klagenfurt. The ÖH elections constitute the basis for student co-determination at universities. Hence this appeal: VOTE TODAY, SHAPE TOMORROW! 

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