Two kilometres of flight data: Publication of arguably the largest pool of real-world drone flight measurement data

Typically, drone flight data is generated under laboratory conditions – thus limiting its use for real-world application development. A team of researchers from Klagenfurt, working with two researchers from NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, has now published the first large pool of real-world measurement data. The data was generated in and around the Klagenfurt drone hall and in the context of the AMADEE20 Mars simulation in Israel.

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The logical path (to Computer Science)

Alice Tarzariol was born in Veneto, attended the university in Udine for her Bachelor’s and Master’s programmes and then joined the University of Klagenfurt to pursue her doctoral studies. Her work on logic is attracting international attention, as illustrated by her recent success at the International Conference on Logic Programming, where she won the Best Student Paper Award. We spoke to her about her path to Computer Science.

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Bitmovin and the University of Klagenfurt start €3.3million climate-friendly video streaming platform research project ‘GAIA.’

Bitmovin, a leading provider of video streaming infrastructure, and the University of Klagenfurt announced they will collaborate on a two-year joint research project worth €3.3million to develop a climate-friendly adaptive video streaming platform called ‘GAIA’. The Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG) will co-fund the project, providing an initial €460,000 in funding for the first year. 

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In her doctoral thesis, Julia Katharina Kubelka asks people where they belong and what belonging means to them. She believes that the question is especially pertinent at a time when (political, social and personal) belonging is at the centre of public debate more than ever before.

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