“What astonishes me is how easily we humans are persuaded by content that is generated by a machine.”

Many of those following the current media discourse are left with a sense of alarmism: The message seems to be that advances being made in the development of artificial intelligence could cause the systems to spiral out of control. At the same time, experts are voicing concern about the potential influence of these technologies on the stability of democracies, given that images can be manipulated in a matter of seconds. We asked Wolfgang Faber, professor at the Department of Artificial Intelligence and Cybersecurity, for his take on the new AI tools and the state of research.

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Mathematics in quantum physics: Angelika Wiegele is currently researching and teaching at the University of Cologne

The mathematician was invited to contribute to the key profile area “Quantum Matter and Materials” at the University of Cologne as a member of the Global Faculty. There, she is working at the interface between mathematics and quantum physics.

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“The high quality of student supervision at the University of Klagenfurt represents a unique selling point that very few universities can offer.”

Markus Hornböck, one of our graduates, studied Applied Business Administration. He has served as Managing Director of BABEG Kärntner Betriebsansiedlungs- und Beteiligungsgesellschaft m.b.H. since 2019. In this interview, he tells us about the importance of the university for Carinthia as a business location, taking time to reflect and upcoming projects.

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Two kilometres of flight data: Publication of arguably the largest pool of real-world drone flight measurement data

Typically, drone flight data is generated under laboratory conditions – thus limiting its use for real-world application development. A team of researchers from Klagenfurt, working with two researchers from NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, has now published the first large pool of real-world measurement data. The data was generated in and around the Klagenfurt drone hall and in the context of the AMADEE20 Mars simulation in Israel.

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