Instagram-News published by the University of Klagenfurt

Getting drones to improve their self-awareness

Drones are increasingly being deployed as autonomous actors in uncontrolled environments. This requires reliable control and navigation. The research team at the University of Klagenfurt led by Stephan Weiss and Jan Steinbrener, which also includes doctoral student Christoph Böhm, is now working on improving the drone’s self-awareness so that it becomes better at adapting to changing conditions in the future.

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The link between mountaineering and mathematics

That life opens up paths you never expected is something Johannes Hofmeister, a doctoral student in statistics, experienced only recently. He told us why he decided not to become a teacher (for now), but has become an avid mathematical researcher instead.

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Pure coffee culture: 6 of the best cafés in Klagenfurt

“The best coffee!”, “the coolest location!”… we have responded to these calls and are taking a closer look at a handful of cafés in Klagenfurt. Anyone who thinks that you trendy places can only be found in Vienna is very much mistaken: You will come across the full range here, from the charm of a traditional coffee house to hipster flair. The average daily consumption in Austria is three cups, but we will make an exception today by drinking six. A résumé.

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Seaside resorts along the Italian Adriatic coast: Take a quick dip

It’s 203 kilometres from the University of Klagenfurt to the centre of Grado, a journey that can be made in just over two hours by car. With Klagenfurt as your starting point, it’s easy to take the day off and spend it relaxing on the beach. Once somewhat scorned as so-called caretaker beaches, the seaside resorts of the Upper Adriatic have enjoyed a resurgence in popularity over the past few summers. Find out about the most important locations here.

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