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Sara Blumenthal: Schamdynamiken in der stationären Betreuung Jugendlicher. Eine Ethnographie der Kinder- und Jugendhilfe sowie der Behindertenhilfe. Verlag Barbara Budrich, 2023. Schriftenreihe der ÖFEB-Sektion Sozialpädagogik



In her work, the author examines the topic of shame dynamics in the residential care of adolescents by interpreting ethnographically collected interaction processes and qualitative interviews. Various cases are analyzed in which, among other things, the tension between the emotional stress of professionals and their pedagogical scope for action play a role, their handling of the exercise of violence from the perspective of young people or the consequences of suicidal behavior. The expression of shame by the young people, the professionals and the researchers’ sense of shame are points of reference from which contrasts and structural correlations in the data can be found. Sociological theories of affect are included in the interpretation, which emphasize that a dichotomous understanding of affects as only positive or negative does not do justice to their complex function.

The book thus makes a contribution to understanding the social meaning of affects and makes affect research fruitful for social pedagogy.


Ass. Sara Blumenthal: Institut für Erziehungswissenschaften und

Bildungsforschung, Arbeitsbereich Sozialpädagogik und Inklusionsforschung,

Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt


A copy of the recommended work can be found in the reading corner (6) with the shelfmark I 647859. The title is also available as an e-book!