Media Ethics & Responsibility
What “media-ethical responsibility” do individuals bear if they produce, receive or share media content? What responsibilities must platform operators assume, and what accountability must politicians take as legislators? Where are ethically sensitive boundaries touched or even crossed? How should we deal with targeted disinformation (fake news), agenda cutting and censorship, how can we identify trolls? In the Research Spotlight Media Ethics & Responsibility, critical questions of ethics are discussed, and strategies for a productive approach are outlined. Questions of media ethics are addressed both theoretically and empirically. One objective is to build bridges between theory and media practice and to understand ethics as both a theoretical problem and a practical task.
Associated Researchers
- +43 463 2700 1822
- Sandra [dot] Diehl [at] aau [dot] at
- +43 463 2700 1829
- Joerg-Uwe [dot] Nieland [at] aau [dot] at
Recent Publications
To view the recent publications, please follow this link.
Roth-Ebner, C. (2022): “You just have to join in” – A mixed-methods study on children’s media consumption worlds and parental mediation. In: Communications.
Eberwein, T. (2022). Journalism ethics and its participatory turn. In L. T. Price, K. Sanders & W. N. Wyatt (Eds.), The Routledge Companion to Journalism Ethics (pp. 399-406). London, New York: Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9780429262708-51
Eberwein, T., & Brinkmann, J. (2022). Germany: Beyond the beacon. In S. Fengler, T. Eberwein & M. Karmasin (Eds.), The global handbook of media accountability (pp. 120-130). London, New York: Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9780429326943-12
Eberwein, T., Fengler, S., & Karmasin, M. (2022). Overview: Western Europe. In S. Fengler, T. Eberwein & M. Karmasin (Eds.), The global handbook of media accountability (pp. 109-110). London, New York: Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9780429326943-10
Fengler, S., Eberwein, T., & Karmasin, M. (Eds.) (2022). The global handbook of media accountability. London, New York: Routledge.
Fengler, S., Eberwein, T., & Karmasin, M. (Eds.). (2022). The Global Handbook of Media Accountability. Routledge
Fengler, S., Eberwein, T., & Karmasin, M., Barthel, S., & Speck, D. (2022). Media accountability: A global perspective. In S. Fengler, T. Eberwein & M. Karmasin (Eds.), The global handbook of media accountability (pp. 3-57). London, New York: Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9780429326943-2
Fengler, S., Eberwein, T., & Karmasin, M., Barthel, S., & Speck, D. (2022). Summary of country chapters. In S. Fengler, T. Eberwein & M. Karmasin (Eds.), The global handbook of media accountability (pp. 525-548). London, New York: Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9780429326943-61
Karmasin, M. (2022) Public Relations und der Stakeholder-Ansatz in: Szyska, P. Fröhlich, R, Röttger, U. (Hrsg.)Handbuch der Public Relations. Springer VS
Koinig, I., & Diehl, S. (2022). “Where There Is Light, There Is Also Darkness”: Discussing Young Adults’ Willingness to Disclose Data to Use Wearables and Health Applications—Results from a Focus Group Study: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19 (3).
Koinig, I., Karmasin, M., & Bausch, A. F. (2022). CSR as “Integrity Management” in the Media Industry: An Investigation of the Top Three Media Organisations from Germany, Austria and Switzerland: In M. Karmasin, S. Diehl, & I. Koinig (Hrsg.), Media and Change Management. Creating a Path for New Content Formats, Business Models, Consumer Roles, and Business Responsibility (pp. 311 – 330). Springer
Krainer, L. (2022). Überwachung als Norm – Reflexionen zu medienethischer Forschung und Didaktik.: In G. Marci-Boehncke, M. Rath, M. Delere, & H. Höfer (Hrsg.), Ethik in mediatisierten Welten: Medien – Demokratie – Bildung. Normative Vermittlungsprozesse und Diversität in mediatisierten Gesellschaften (S. 231 – 250). Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
Krainer, L. (2022). Überwachung als Norm – Reflexionen zu medienethischer Forschung und Didaktik.: In G. Marci-Boehncke, M. Rath, M. Delere, & H. Höfer (Hrsg.), Ethik in mediatisierten Welten: Medien – Demokratie – Bildung. Normative Vermittlungsprozesse und Diversität in mediatisierten Gesellschaften (S. 231 – 250). Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
Litschka, M., & Krainer, L. (2022). The Normative Turn in the Organisation of Media: Ethical Considerations for Change Management in Media Enterprises: In M. Karmasin, S. Diehl, & I. Koinig (Hrsg.), Media and Change Management. Creating a Path for New Content Formats, Business Models, Consumer Roles, and Business Responsibility (S. 331 – 341). Springer.
Litschka, M., & Krainer, L. (2022). The Normative Turn in the Organisation of Media: Ethical Considerations for Change Management in Media Enterprises: In M. Karmasin, S. Diehl, & I. Koinig (Hrsg.), Media and Change Management. Creating a Path for New Content Formats, Business Models, Consumer Roles, and Business Responsibility (S. 331 – 341). Springer.
Porlezza, C., & Eberwein, T. (2022). Uncharted territory: Datafication as a challenge for journalism ethics. In S. Diehl, M. Karmasin, I. Koinig (Eds.), Media and change management (pp. 343-361). Cham: Springer. doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-86680-8_19
Saurwein, F. (2022): Algorithms on the Internet: Factor of media change and challenge for change management. In: Karmasin, M.; Diehl, S.; Koinig, I. (Hrsg.), Media and Change Management. Creating a Path for New Content Formats, Business Models, Consumer Roles, and Business Responsibility; Basel: Springer Cham, S. 419-442.
Saurwein, F. (2022): Regulierung von Internet-Inhalten: Ombudsstellen als Governance-Option an der Schnittstelle von Recht und Ethik. In: Marci-Boehncke, G.; Rath, M.; Delere, M. (Hrsg.), Medien – Demokratie – Bildung. Normative Vermittlungsprozesse und Diversität in mediatisierten Gesellschaften; Wiesbaden: Springer VS, S. 347-363.
Saurwein, F.; Möck, L.; Bauer, C.; Brantner, C.; Durco, M. et al. [..] (2022): Mediale Darstellung von Risiken und Verantwortung in der Berichterstattung über Social Media und Social Companions [Media representation of risks and responsibility in reporting on social media and social companions]. Bericht-Nr. 14; Institut für vergleichende Medien- und Kommunikationsforschung: Wien.
Saurwein, F.; Spencer-Smith, C.; Krieger-Lamina, J. (2022): Social-Media-Algorithmen als Gefahr für Öffentlichkeit und Demokratie: Anwendungen, Risikoassemblagen und Verantwortungszuschreibungen. In: A., Bogner; M., Decker; M., Nentwich; C., Scherz (Hrsg.), Digitalisierung und die Zukunft der Demokratie. Beiträge aus der Technikfolgenabschätzung. Bd. 24; Baden-Baden: Nomos -Verlag, S. 243-256.
Trommershausen, A., Karmasin, M. (2022). Corporate Social Responsibility in Media Companies. In: Krone, J., Pellegrini, T. (eds) Handbook of Media and Communication Economics. Springer, Wiesbaden.

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