Advertising & Integrated Communication
The research spotlight “Advertising & Integrated Communication” deals with current developments in the area of advertising and integrated communication. Given the plethora of different media and the constantly changing media landscape, integrated communication, aimed at creating a consistent image in the minds of consumers, is vital. Our research focuses on all strategic communication processes that aim to increase awareness and knowledge of consumers, organizations and society as a whole.
Current key areas of examination include international and cross-cultural advertising, cross-media advertising, advertising on social media, the effects of offensive advertising, Covid-19 advertisements, food advertising, targeted political advertising, advertising for environmentally detrimental products, emotional advertising as well as transformative value creation.
Associated Researchers
- +43 463 2700 1822
- Sandra [dot] Diehl [at] aau [dot] at
Recent Publications
To view the recent publications, please follow this link
Vliegenthart, R., Vrielink, J., Dommett, K., Gibson, R., Bon, E., Xiaotong, C., de Vreese, C., Lecheler, S., Matthes, J., Minihold, S., Otto, L., Stubenvoll, M., Kruikemeier, S., (2024). Citizens’ Acceptance of Data-Driven Political Campaigning: A 25-Country Cross-National Vignette Study. Sage Jounals 42(5),
Jansen, L., Cunningham, P., Diehl, S., Terlutter, R., (2024). Corporate social responsibility in controversial industries: A literature review and research agenda. Wiley Online Library (Open Access),
Schaefer, S., Cunningham, P., Diehl, S., Terlutter, R., (2024). Employees’ positive perceptions of corporate social responsibility create beneficial outcomes for firms and their employees: Organizational pride as a mediator. Wiley Online Library (Open Access),
Scheiber, R., Karmasin, M., Diehl, S., (2023) Exploring the Dunning-Kruger Effect in Health Communication: How Perceived Food and Media Literacy and Actual Knowledge Drift Apart When Evaluating Misleading Food Advertising. Journal of Health Communication, 28(11), 707-727.
Hirsch, M., Stubenvoll, M., Binder, A., & Matthes, J. (2023). Beneficial or harmful? How (mis)fit of targeted political advertising on social media shapes voter perceptions. Journal of Advertising. Advance online publication.
Koinig, I. (2023). To Inform or to Persuade—that is the Question: An Inquiry into the Reception and Empowerment Potential of COVID-19 Health Risk Messages. In: Vignolles, A., Waiguny, M.K. (eds) Advances in Advertising Research (Vol. XII). European Advertising Academy. Springer Gabler, Wiesbaden.
Mueller, S., Diehl, S., Terlutter, R., Taylor, C.R., & Mueller, B. (2023). Vulnerable Audiences’ Responses to Covid-19 Corporate Social Responsibility Advertising. In: Vignolles, A., Waiguny, M.K. (eds) Advances in Advertising Research (Vol. XII). European Advertising Academy. Springer Gabler, Wiesbaden.
Binder, A., Stubenvoll, M., Hirsch, M., & Matthes, J. (2022). Why am I getting this ad? How the degree of targeting disclosures and political fit affect persuasion knowledge, party evaluation, and online privacy behaviors. Journal of Advertising, 51(2), 206–222.
De Pelsmacker, P., Diehl, S., Neijens, P. C., & Terlutter, R. (2022). Perspectives on advancing the advertising field for academics and practitioners. Celebrating 40 years of the International Journal of Advertising.: International Journal of Advertising.
Diehl, S., Koinig, I., & Scheiber, R. (2022). Cross-Media Advertising in Times of Changing Media Environments and Media Consumption Patterns: In M. Karmasin, S. Diehl, & I. Koinig (Hrsg.), Media and Change Management. Creating a Path for New Content Formats, Business Models, Consumer Roles, and Business Responsibility (pp. 189 – 209). Springer.
Diehl, S., & Terlutter, R. (2022). Brand Worlds: A Guide to Creating Holistic Worlds of Brand Experiences Through Communication: In M. Karmasin, S. Diehl, & I. Koinig (Hrsg.), Media and Change Management. Creating a Path for New Content Formats, Business Models, Consumer Roles, and Business Responsibility (pp. 169 – 187). Springer.
Karmasin, M. (2022) Public Relations und der Stakeholder-Ansatz in: Szyska, P. Fröhlich, R, Röttger, U. (Hrsg.)Handbuch der Public Relations. Springer VS
Koinig, I., & Diehl , S. (2022). Zum Verhältnis von Überzeugungen, Einstellungen, Absichten und Verhalten: Belief, Attitude, Intention and Behavior von Fishbein und Ajzen: In T. Meitz, N. Borchers, & B. Naderer (Hrsg.), Schlüsselwerke der Werbeforschung(S. 131 – 148). Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
Koinig, I., Diegelmann, S., & Bidmon, S. (2022). Forty years of advertising research on health issues: past learnings and future perspectives: International Journal of Advertising
Koinig, I. & Mueller, B. (2022). Advertising: Prescription Drugs. In The International Encyclopedia of Health Communication.
Matthes, J., Hirsch, M., Stubenvoll, M., Binder, A., Kruikemeier, S., Lecheler, S., & Otto, L. (2022). Understanding the democratic role of perceived online political micro-targeting: longitudinal effects on trust in democracy and political interest. Journal of Information Technology and Politics, 19(4), 435–448.
Müller, S., Diehl, S., Taylor, C. R., Terlutter, R., & Mueller, B. (2022). Do CSR Ads with Public Health Messages Pertaining to COVID-19 Actually Help Consumers, Advertisers, and Society?: Insights from the United States and Germany. Journal of Current Issues & Research in Advertising, 43 (4), 337 – 359.
Stubenvoll, M., Binder, A., Noetzel, S., Hirsch, M., & Matthes, J. (2022). Living is easy with eyes closed: Avoidance of targeted political advertising in response to privacy concerns, perceived personalization, and overload. Communication Research. Advance online publication.
Terlutter, R., Diehl, S., Koinig, I., Chan, K., & Tsang, L. L. L. (2022). “I’m (Not) Offended by Whom I See!” The Role of Culture and Model Ethnicity in Shaping Consumers’ Responses toward Offensive Nudity Advertising in Asia and Western Europe: Journal of Advertising, 1 – 19.
Tsiotsou, R., & Diehl, S. (2022). Delineating Transformative Value Creation through Service Communications: An Integrative Framework: Journal of Service Management.
Further Relevant Publications:
Koinig, I., Diehl, S., & Mueller, B. (2018). Exploring antecedents of attitudes and skepticism towards pharmaceutical advertising and inter-attitudinal and inter-skepticism consistency on three levels: an international study: International Journal of Advertising.
Koinig, I., Diehl, S., & Mueller, B. (2017). Are pharmaceutical ads affording consumers a greater say in their health care? The evaluation and self-empowerment effects of different ad appeals in Brazil: International Journal of Advertising, 1 – 30.
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9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee
+43 463 2700
uni [at] aau [dot] at
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