In the research unit “General Pedagogy and Diversity Education“, researchers work on different questions which stem from a common research interest: how can learning and education contribute to a society that is as open, just, participative and peaceful as possible, in which all people can participate, develop and evolve in their diversity.
Our guiding topics and research questions are:
- Conditions, obstacles and opportunities in terms of learning, upbringing, and education
- Diversity as a resource (or barrier?) in school and society
- Intercultural learning – transcultural life and identity concepts
- Linguistic diversity and multilingualism in nationally structured education systems
- Multilingualism from an interdisciplinary perspective
- The relationship between minorities and majorities from both a contemporary and a historical perspective
- Transnational developments with special reference to the Alps-Adriatic region
- The interplay of culture(s), identity(ies), religion(s), and homeland(s)
- Conditions, challenges, and potentials of migration and mobility
- Local and global problems of social division – potentials of shared living space
Hans Karl Peterlini, Jasmin Donlic, Elisabeth Faymann, Johanna Rinne, Felix Schnitz
Global Campus Online (funded by ADA – Austrian Development Agency)
Hans Karl Peterlini, Isabella Sandner, Jasmin Donlic, Elsa Palaver, Anita Esterl
Transformation through Participation: Model Schools for Democracy Learning and Peace-Building (funded by OeAD – Österreichischer Austauschdienst gmbH – “Sparkling Science“)
Nadja Danglmaier, Daniel Wutti, Werner Wintersteiner
Dialogic Rememberance in Educational Practice. Concepts and teaching materials for a transnational understanding of history in the Alps-Adriatic region
Hans Karl Peterlini, Jasmin Donlic, Daniela Lehner, Ricarda Motschilnig
INnovative Capacity building by participative and REflective teacher training for Academia, Society and Enterprises (funded by Erasmus+)
Hans Karl Peterlini, Jasmin Donlic, Verena Kampusch, Daniela Lehner, Isabella Sandner
Professionalisation of Educators and Educational Leaders through Learning Research with Vignettes (funded by Erasmus+)
Nadja Danglmaier, Daniel Wutti (PH)
Digital Map of Rememberance Carinthia (funded by Zukunftsfonds, Province of Carinthia, City of Klagenfurt)
Georg Gombos, Samo Wakounig, Vladimir Wakounig, Ema Gračner
Linguistic-pedagogic Professionalisation of Bilingual Elementary Teachers through Conscious Handling of Linguistic Input (a cooperation project with the Province of Carinthia)
Nadja Danglmaier, Daniel Wutti (PH)
Cultures of Rememberance in the Border Region – Spominske kulture na obmejnem območju
Hans Karl Peterlini, Jasmin Donlic, Daniela Lehner
Lernen zwischen Flucht und Ankunft. Fragestellungen des inklusiven und sozialen Lernens für asyl- und migrationsbezogene Unterrichtsgestaltung und LehrerInnenbildung (gefördert durch den Hochschulraumstrukturmittelfonds und der School of Education der AAU-Klagenfurt)
Hans Karl Peterlini, Jasmin Donlic, Julia Stopper in Zusammenarbeit mit Aurora Alonso Vera
Be first! – but how? Research project on the mentoring programme for first-generation students at the Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt (funded by the Rectorate of the AAU-Klagenfurt)
Georg Gombos
BIG-Interreg Project: Education and cooperation in the border region (Austria, Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovakia). Speaker, Consultant. (Government of Lower Austria, Department Kindergarten, project partners in Austria: Vienna School Board, European Office, Österreichische Kinderfreunde – Vienna, Province of Burgenland)
Georg Gombos
Consistent bilingual and multilingual education from kindergarten to the end of primary school (in cooperation with Ingrid Strießnig, Carinthian University of Teacher Education and the Carinthian Directorate of Education, Department of Minority Education)
Elisabeth Jaksche-Hoffman, Judith Koren, Vesna Kucher, Martina Rulofs
Diversity and heterogeneity in the classroom. The example of the practice school Verbundmodell Neue Mittelschule Klagenfurt (cooperating school: Petra Gaggl, Samantha Clay
Samo Wakounig, Vladimir Wakounig
Development of a concept for recording language development in bilingual teaching at primary level
Jasmin Donlic, Georg Gombos
Welcome culture and learning together? Case studies on dealing with linguistic-cultural diversity in selected schools
Hans Karl Peterlini
Learning as a personal and social experience. Phenomenological studies on educational processes in schools, learning groups and in social space (in cooperation with the “Vignette Research” Innsbruck, Brixen, and Klagenfurt, continuation of an FWF project at the University of Innsbruck, Michael Schratz)
Georg Gombos
Promoting language education in the context of multilingualism. Theoretical considerations and practical implementations in elementary educational institutions and primary schools (Carinthian Directorate of Education, Department of Minority Education, Carinthian University of Teacher Education, Department of Education and Counselling)
Samo Wakounig, Vladimir Wakounig
Implementation and expansion of immersion models in the bilingual education of the minority school system in Carinthia
Hans Karl Peterlini
School and Migration in Ethnicised Spaces. Research focus based on the project “Labour Migration in South Tyrol” (in cooperation with the Institute for Contemporary History at the University of Innsbruck, Dirk Rupnow/Eva Pfanzelter)
Erol Yildiz, Jasmin Donlic
A list of all research activities of the Department of General Pedagogy and Diversity Education can be found in the Research Documentation (FoDok).
Information for
Universitätsstraße 65-67
9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee
+43 463 2700
uni [at] aau [dot] at
Campus Plan