Software Engineering Research Group
Our mission is to research and teach theories, methods, processes, and techniques for building and evolving large, complex, and long-living software systems. We aim at adding the engineering to the profession of software developers, making their live more productive and cheerful, and resulting in software systems of high quality. SERG is led by Martin Pinzger and part of the Department of Informatics Systems, Faculty of Technical Sciences, at the Universität Klagenfurt.
In our research, we are addressing the following topics: software evolution, mining software repositories, program analysis, software visualization, formal methods in software engineering, and automating software engineering tasks. For more information and recent results, please check our research projects, list of publications and tools.
We are offering the Master’s Specialization Software Engineering to deepen your knowledge in DevOps, requirements engineering, testing, reengineering, and automating software engineering tasks.
Collaborate with SERG
We have ample expertise in performing fundamental research in software engineering and regularly publish our results in top international journals and at well known international conferences, workshops and symposia. Furthermore, we have a big interest in transferring our results to industry, governmental institutions, and open source communities. For that we collaborate with several companies, such as Infineon, Dynatrace, Alturos Destinations, Joanneum Research, Software Competence Center Hagenberg, and XAutomata. If you are interested in collaborating with us, e.g., in form of a partner in a research project, sponsor of our research, or in some other form, please contact us.
Join the Team
We are looking for students with strong technical or research skills for doing a Master’s Thesis or a Softwarepraktika with us. We have a number of open thesis projects also in collaboration with industry. Find out more info on our open thesis projects on this web-site. Regarding Softwarepraktika check out this web-site.
Room: S.2.81
Phone: +43 463 2700 3503
E-Mail: Kerstin [dot] Smounig [at] aau [dot] at
Universitätsstrasse 65-67
9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee
Information for
Universitätsstraße 65-67
9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee
+43 463 2700
uni [at] aau [dot] at
Campus Plan