Klagenfurt-Berlin Workshop on Multiple Perspectives in Optimization

Strengthening collaborations with highly renowend Universities is among the aims of the area of research strength MPOpt — Multiple Perspectives in Optimization. A workshop with researchers from TU Berlin, including the two Einstein Professors Martin Skutella and Peter Friz, took place in June at the University of Klagenfurt. Funding from MATH+, the Berlin Mathematics Research Center, made this workshop possible.

Researchers in the field of Stochastic Processes as well as researchers in the field of Combinatorial Optimization from TU Berlin and from AAU met for this 2-days workshop on June 6–7, 2024. The program consisted of topical research talks in the respective fields including presentations combining the two areas.

Lively discussions, not only in the lecture rooms but also while enjoying the Carinthian spring at the lake Wörthersee and in the mountains took place. The organizers, Michaela Szölgyenyi and Angelika Wiegele, received very positive feedback including the wish for further cooperation and another edition of this workshop.

As Klagenfurt is an EMAS certified University, this workshop was organized as a green event: no printed conference material, regional, biological, and purely vegetarian food at coffee breaks and lunches, and all participants traveled by train to Klagenfurt.

More information: https://www.aau.at/mpopt/events/klagenfurt-berlin-workshop-on-multiple-perspectives-in-optimization/