Guest Lecture – Prof. Peter Mayo

Dear collegues, and dear students,

it is a distinct honor to extend to you the invitation to a guest lecture given by

Peter Mayo

B.A.(Ed.) (Hons), B.A.(Hons)(Lond.), M.Ed. Soc, of Ed. (Alberta), Ph.D Soc. in Ed. (Toronto)

Professor Arts, Open Communities, and Adult Education, Faculty of Education, University of Malta Msida

and UNESCO Chair in Global Adult Education

on the Topic:


 January 23, 2023 /  4 pm / HS 9 (Mensagebäude)

Irene Cennamo, Ph.D., Assistant Professor,  Department of Adult Education and Learning and Vocational Training,  Institute for Educational Science (IfEB)

Peter Mayo’s visit is funded by the Research Council Scientist Mentoring Program.

Please send registrations by January 20, 2023to: bettina [dot] karpf [at] aau [dot] at

For more info please contact: irene.cennamo [at] aau [dot] at

Are looking forward to welcoming you!

Abstract of the keynote.