Doctoral School: Klagenfurt Research Retreat
Research on Adult Education and Transformation: Mapping Possibilities and Embracing Complexity
Save the Date:
16th to 20th MAY 2022
Der Call und Informationen zu den organisatorischen Details (wie insbesondere Stipendien) folgen demnächst.
The call and information on organisational details (such as bursaries in particular) will follow soon.
Information and Call for Applications
Please note that the deadline for submitting applications is the 31st of January 2022.
Information on organisational details (such as bursaries in particular) will follow.
This doctoral school is organised in cooperation with ESREA, the European Society for Research on the Education of Adults.
Organising committee / Organisationskomitee:
- Arbeitsbereich Erwachsenenbildung und berufliche Bildung (Universität Klagenfurt)
- Eva Cendon, FernUniversität Hagen (Germany)
- Fergal Finnegan, Maynooth University (Ireland)
- Laura Formenti, L’Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca (Italy)