Online-Infosessions: Informier dich über dein Wunschstudium!

Von 5. bis 9. Juli beantworten wir deine Fragen zu deinem zukünftigen Studium in unseren Live-Infosessions. Die Sessions sind in die Bereiche Kultur-, Literatur-, Sozial- und Gesellschaftswissenschaften, Wirtschaft- und Rechtswissenschaften, Technische Wissenschaften sowie Lehramt unterteilt. Am Freitag gibt es noch eine Session zu allgemeinen Informationen rund ums Studieren und mit Tipps zum Studienstart.


„Be bold with what you want to achieve“

Michael Riegler studied Information Management at the University of Klagenfurt and is now a Research Professor within Artificial Intelligence in Oslo, Norway. In the interview, he talks about how his experiences abroad have shaped him, why he would definitely advise today’s students to go abroad and how his Bachelor’s thesis provided the initial spark for a later career in research. Weiterlesen

Pasquale Grippa: „Research and cultural diversity widened my horizons.“

Pasquale Grippa recently completed his doctorate in Technical Sciences. He spoke to us about his research focus – improving autonomous transport systems with the help of artificial intelligence. Pasquale has developed an algorithm for e.g. optimising drone-based delivery systems  to answer questions such as: Which customers does the drone have to serve? Where does the drone need to pick up the package and where can it charge its battery?

He also told us why he moved from Italy to Klagenfurt, how his view of the world has changed through his studies and why everyone should study at the University of Klagenfurt. Weiterlesen

FUNktionen-Raum der Mathematik

Studierende tüfteln oft an mathematischen Aufgaben, sind auf der Suche nach Lösungsvarianten und benötigen Unterstützung bei den Übungsblättern. Im FUNktionen-Raum lässt sich dies gemeinsam unter der Anleitung von Tutor*innen bewältigen.
