ZFF-Tipp: Austrian Forum for Peace 2024: “Towards a Climate of Peace”

Zweites Austrian Forum for Peace: 1 – 4 Juli 2024, Konferenz in Stadtschlaining

Registrierungen sind bis inklusive 14. Juni 2024 direkt bei ACP Projektmanager Wolfgang Weilharter unter weilharter [at] ac4p [dot] at möglich.

Das diesjährige Austrian Forum for Peace – „Towards a Climate of Peace – will sich den Herausforderungen für die internationale zivile Konfliktbearbeitung in einer sich verändernden Welt stellen, Netzwerke stärken, unterschiedliche Ansätze diskutieren, Denkprozesse anstoßen, Ideen generieren und einen Beitrag zur Förderung von nachhaltigem globalem Frieden leisten.


Online discussion: The Common Denominators of Global Citizenship and Peace Education – and How to put their Aims into Practice

May 22, 2024 | 15:00 o’clock

Elisabeth Rinne, Rosemarie Schöffmann, Hans Karl Peterlini


Invitation on behalf of the Africa Peace and Development Network and affiliates, to Global Peace Studies for Sustainable Development in Africa (Global Peace), a series of weekly academic and professional discussions on peace education, peace research, and peace activism as well as on the question of sustainable development. Global Peace events take place every Wednesday from 4:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Dar-es-Salaam/Kampala/Nairobi, using the Zoom link below. Please do adjust your clock accordingly. We appreciate your participation.

Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84157580433?pwd=Ny9kRGR1TjBtaHNiTGlFaWU4UW5Mdz09 (No RSVP or prior registration required)


Elisabeth Rinne is a researcher at the University of Klagenfurt and one of the organizers of the global network “Global Campus Online”, where she facilitates the exchange between a diverse group of participants with interests or backgrounds in sustainability, education, peace studies and other related fields. She has a background in school teaching and holds a master’s degree in Global Citizenship Education.

Rosemarie Schöffmann is a university assistant at the University of Klagenfurt, Department of Educational Science and the Centre for Peace Research and Education. She previously worked for many years in basic education: in training, counselling and project coordination for an employment project for young women in a feminist institution in Klagenfurt (EqualiZ, formerly the Girls‘ Centre). Her work and research focus on Intersectionality, gender relations and educational inequalities, as well as postcolonial theory.

Hans Karl Peterlini is a Professor of General Pedagogy and Intercultural Education at the Department of Educational Research at the University of Klagenfurt. His research focuses on the phenomena of personal and social learning, living together in ethnicised societies, diversity, peace education and global citizenship education. He is the founder and holder of the UNESCO Chair „Global Citizenship Education – Culture of Diversity and Peace“, established in 2020.


ZFF-Veranstaltungstipp – Austrian Forum for Peace 2024: “Towards a Climate of Peace”

Konferenz von 1. bis 4. Juli 2024 auf Burg Schlaining
Rochusplatz 1,  7461, Stadtschlaining

Anmeldung bis 14. Juni 2024


ZFF-Veranstaltungstipp: Online-Vortrag von Cora Bieß zum Thema „WarTok aus den Augen von Kindern“

Diensstag, 7. Mai 2024 | 19:00-20:30 Uhr

Anmeldung: office [at] friedensbuero [dot] at
Zoom-Link wird nach der Anmeldung verschickt

Cora Bieß ist Dissertantin am Arbeitsbereich Friedensforschung und Friedensbildung des Instituts für Erziehungswissenschaft und Bildungsforschung.
