29.6.2020: Webinar by KnowWar: Solidarity Inside Refugee Populations in Lebanon: Old Forms for New Crises

Monday, 29 June 2020, 5:00 PM [Beirut time, GMT+3]

Speakers: Sari Hanafi (American University of Beirut), Fatima Ibrahim (Refugees=Partners project)
Moderator: Raed Eshnaiwer (Birzeit University)

Refugee communities in Lebanon face overlapping forms of exclusion along social, economic, and legal lines. Covid-19 and the deteriorating economic and political situation in Lebanon has exacerbated the vulnerability and the precarious conditions of the already marginalized Syrian and Palestinian refugee communities. The webinar will focus on the issue of solidarity inside Syrian and Palestinian refugee populations in Lebanon, the local solidarity networks during the crisis, and the critique of global neoliberalism, patriarchy, militarism and war.

The event is the first in the webinar series on Solidarities in Times of Wars and Refuge: Syria, Lebanon, and Palestine in the Global Pandemic organized by KnowWar, a research project funded by the Austrian Development Cooperation. For more information see: https://www.know-war.net/webinar-series

We are looking forward to your participation. 

For registration please click here. https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_FXDLAKiWSc6jBt9zPanT1Q Zoom Link: To be provided upon registration. The webinar will be held in Arabic with simultaneous translation available in English.

KnowWar ist ein internationales Forschungsprojekt mit Beteiligung des Zentrums für Friedensforschung und Friedensbildung.

KnowWar_Webinar Series

16./17.6.2020: Feministischen Perspektiven der Friedens- und Konfliktforschung

Nach zwei erfolgreichen Work-in-Progress-Workshops zu „Feministischen Perspektiven der Friedens- und Konfliktforschung“ wird der dritte Workshop, der gemeinsam mit der AFK-Geschäftsstelle und der Fakultät für Ökonomie und Gesellschaft der Hochschule Rhein-Waal geplant wurde, diesmal am 16.-17. Juni digital stattfinden.

Anmeldung: fem [dot] peace2020 [at] web [dot] de
Die Teilnahme ist kostenlos.


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