Alle News von der Fakultät für Sozialwissenschaften

Book Presentation for the Handbook of Integrated CSR Communication

This handbook pursues an integrated communication approach. Drawing on the various fields of organizational communication and their relevance for CSR, it addresses innovative topics such as big data, social media, and the convergence of communication channels, as well as the roles they play in a successfully integrated CSR communication program. Further aspects covered include the analysis of sector-specific, cross-cultural, and ethical challenges related to the effective communication of CSR. This handbook is unique in its consistent focus on integrated communication. It is of interest not only for the scientific discourse, but will also benefit those corporations that not only seek to operate in a socially responsible manner, but also to communicate their efforts to their various stakeholders. Besides its significant value for researchers and professionals, the book can also be used as a reference for undergraduate and graduate students interested in successful CSR communication

Editors: Diehl, S., Karmasin, M., Mueller, B., Terlutter, R., Weder, F.


Keynote by Ursa Golob on ”Challenges in CSR Communication”

followed by a Plenary Discussion

When: 9 October 2017, 17:00-19:00

Where: E.1.05


Podiumsdiskussion zum Thema „Verantwortungsvolle Automatisierung“

Am Institut für vergleichende Medien- und Kommunikationswissenschaft (CMC) diskutieren Expertinnen und Experten wie der Automatisierungstrend verantwortungsvoll gestaltet werden kann.


Climate Engineering: Unsichere Option im Umgang mit dem Klimawandel (Artikel von Nils Matzner)

Dreaming of the Designer Climate? (Vortrag von Jeroen Oomen, M.A.)

am 21. September 2017 16:00 – 18:00 Uhr

Raum: S.2.16 (Sterneckstraße 15, 2. Stock rechts)

Veranstalter: Institut für Technik- und Wissenschaftsforschung


Due to the excessively slow global reaction to anthropogenic climate change, increasing numbers of researchers over the past decade have turned to climate engineering research. The development of climate engineering, defined by the Royal Society (2009) as ‘deliberate large-scale manipulation of the planetary environment to counteract anthropogenic climate change’, has been characterised by a heated debate about the potential risks and benefits of the various technologies. In an introduction to the topic of climate engineering, I will sketch the current state of affairs in the field of climate engineering, introduce the main histories, and ponder the most pressing social issues connected to intentionally engineering the clima-te on a global scale. From there, I will show how historical trends influence our contempora-ry conception of what climate engineering should be, and how climate engineering is imagi-ned as a possible solution to a possible climate emergency.

Jeroen Oomen is trained in philosophy, sociology and political science, with a particular inte-rest in questions of equality and fairness, environment and climate change. He holds a B.A. (2011) and M.A. (2013) in Philosophy from the University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands, and a M.Sc. (summa cum laude, 2016) in International Relations and Diplomacy at the Uni-versity of Antwerpen. He joined the RCC and Deutsches Museum in October 2015 as a doc-toral candidate and Early Stage Researcher (ESR) of the ENHANCE ITN. Jeroen Oomen divi-des his time between the Deutsches Museum and the RCC. His research entails a historical and sociological study of the politics, scientific development, and public conception of clima-te engineering.

Kontakt: Nils Matzner (nils [dot] matzner [at] aau [dot] at)