Stellenausschreibung: Postdoc-Assistent*in


Institut für Erziehungswissenschaft und Bildungsforschung, Zentrum für Friedensforschung und Friedensbildung

Wissenschaftliches Universitätspersonal  | Vollzeit

Bewerbungsfrist:  28. Oktober 2020
Kennung: 541/20

26.8.-2.12.2020: IPT Online Lecture Series

Österreichisches Studienzentrum für Frieden und Konfliktlösung (ASPR) an der Friedensburg Schlaining präsentiert:

28.8. – 2.12.2020

CARING CONVERSATONS for Peace and Justice

Have you ever wondered on how to respond to resistance to inclusion in peace processes? How discrimination, systemic inequality, oppression, and representation are connected? Do you want to know how
queer communities in Colombia are shaping the peace process and how others in Syria are particularly
affected by the violent conflict? Or are you interested in how we, as peacebuilders, can contribute to current conversations and movements around anti-racism, decoloniality, and vice versa?
With our new format of “IPT Online Lecture Series” we intend to respond to pressing questions around
peace, violence, conflict, and justice in our time. We invite renowned persons from academy, practice
and advocacy around peacebuilding and social justice to share their insights, approaches, lessons learned and more. Through the current and future series, we aim to contribute to meaningful, enriching,
and generative exchange between scholars and practitioners striving for a world where conflicts can be
addressed non-violently, constructively, and sustainably.
We look forward to caring conversations and meaningful moments with you!



Video zur Buchpräsentation von Claudia Brunner

Video zur Buchpräsentation von Claudia Brunner

Video zur Buchpräsentation von Claudia Brunner:

Epistemische Gewalt. Wissen und Herrschaft in der kolonialen Moderne


Radiobeitrag in Radio Orange mit Claudia Brunner vom 28. Juli 2020

Feature in der Reihe ‚women on air‘ auf Radio Orange 94,0 vom 28. Juli 2020
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